[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’0′ heading=’FAQ’ color=’meta-heading’ style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=” custom_class=”]
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[av_toggle title=’How is coaching different from consulting?’ tags=’Begin’]
Coaching is a process that you pace and you direct based on your goals and needs. It is solution based and it gets you to your best with focus, motivation and accountability.
[av_toggle title=’How do I get my team to “buy in” and change?’ tags=’Begin’]
You lead by example, all you really need to say is “we have made decision to hire LeeAnn and we are going to try this process together. We are excited to work with her and we are confident you will enjoy, learn, and grow as we have invested in it for you.”
[av_toggle title=’Can I afford you?’ tags=’Pricing’]
How can you not invest in yourself and knowing that the energy and decision alone will increase your success, and drive you to be better then you were yesterday? It will propel you to reach your goals with greater ease and peace of mind. Ask about how you can begin.
[av_toggle title=’How long do I have to do it?’ tags=’Duration’]
Whether it is team or individual coaching, to ensure success and forward movement to reach your goals periodic meetings and coaching sessions are key. Weekly for the individual/executive coaching, and every eight to ten weeks for team coaching.
[av_toggle title=’Do you have individual team building events so I can see if you are a fit for my team and me? ‘ tags=’Questions’]
Yes many clients like to “try on” and see if I will be received well by their teams. There are a number of great programs and workshops available or we can create a custom event. Some of the programs are: Building an ACE Team, Going for Gold in the Wild Wild West( lost dutchmines goldmine), Attractiing the clients you want and Love, The Art of Asking, Great Expectations, ….